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Origin: Papa New Guinea

Size at birth: 10 to 12 mm.

Adult size wings closed: 10 to 12 cm male, 14 to 15 cm female.

Wingspan open: 15 to 24 cm.

Duration of development: From young to adult 4 months

- a terrarium of 45 X 45 X 60 cm in height is suitable for 4 adults maximum otherwise there is a risk of cannibalism.

- 10 cm of blond peat, still humid at the bottom, very lightly packed.

- Temperature: 20 to 28 ° C (here 25 during the day, 22 at night)

- High humidity, spray morning and evening. Indispensable for Young L1. Always moist peat in the bottom of the terrarium.

The females lay in the peat in the bottom of the terrarium

Food: mainly oak and brambles, chestnut, photinia, hornbeam, St. John's wort (Hypericum) and lime Tilia (all king of Tillia) are also accepted but Tilia is not his favorite food.

They also eat bromeliads and Strelitzea

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Giant Hooded Katydid Nymphs

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